Before & After

Additional Services Before & After Photos

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After mold was discovered in this Lake Bluff home, our team was able to remediate the problem fast and completely!

Commercial Door Repair in Gurnee, IL

A cellular store in Gurnee IL, was vandalized and needed the damaged area of the store cleaned up as well as the door boarded up. This required immediate attention, which we provided. Call 1-800-BOARDUP for our crew to come out and quickly make repairs.

Boardup in Wauconda, IL

We boarded up this home's door in Wauconda, IL after the glass was broken!

Restoration Following Vehicle Impact to a Home in Lakemoor, IL

United Services was able to save the day following a vehicle impact in Lakemoor IL.  We first boarded up the building and then restored it to its original state.  Call or contact us today to learn more about our emergency disaster services! 

Boardup Repair in Volo, IL

A local sandwich shop in Volo, IL called us to clean up a damaged area of their store and also to board up the front of their building. We made this a priority and worked after hours to get it done for our customer.
